Holy Church... Not so Holy men
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SORRY! Sorry to those who trusted the Church to take care of them, protect them, father them and lead them to heaven. Sorry to those who allowed the Church to enter their homes, confided in her, and ran to her in times of sorrow and joy. Sorry to those who went to the Church when they needed help but instead were victimized by the Church, abused by her, taken advantage of, and assaulted. My heart breaks for you. I am extremely sorry. I know I am not an ordained minister, a spokesperson of the church, nor a high-ranking prelate of the Church but I do help form the body of Christ. No, I am not the head or even the hand but I am part of that body and as a member of that body I ask you to allow me to offer my sincere apology.
My brothers and sisters, don’t be confused, I am Catholic and I always will be. I stand with the Church, the Church that Christ himself established, not with those who allow corruption within the Church. I’m fighting for the Church and I’m asking her to rid herself of all that is not of the Lord, of all malice, deceit, insincerity, envy and slander (1Peter 2:1). I ask Holy Mother Church, in this new season of her mission, to pray for a brand new pentecost, for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I ask Holy Mother Church for reform.
“The Church exists in order to evangelize” (Pope Paul VI). And “The mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from completion” (Pope John Paul II). But in order for the Church to sincerely move forward and accomplish her mission she must first go through a process of purification and reform. With reform comes 2 options: run the other way and never look back or stand your ground and fight for reform within the Church. What do I think that reform looks like?
- The resignation and permanent removal of any prelate (high ranking church official) or any ordained minister of the church who has ever been accused, questioned, suspected of any sexual abuse, misconduct, or assault.
- A published list of all within the Church who have been found guilty of sexual abuse.
- An internal investigation led by the laity (those who are not ordained ministers).
- A public apology from Pope Francis and from every diocese in America.
- A universal investigation led by laity, in every diocese in the world, which brings everything to the light.
- A solid and detailed plan on how to deal with those who have abused and how to care for those who have been abused.
- A plan to ensure that this does not repeat.
- Reformation on every level of the Church (seminaries, chanceries, Catholic schools, hospitals, charities, policies & procedures, parish life, etc.)
- The list goes on but I will stop with these key points.
The Church must regain the trust of her flock and it is only then we can recover and move forward. To those who lead the Church: I am struggling. I have not lost faith in Christ but I am now skeptical of many of you. I struggle to trust that you care for my wellbeing and are not just part of the corruption and coverup. I fear that many of you have lost sight of your mission and instead are more concerned with power, money, prestige, etc. I, your son, am crying out. Help me to trust you again. I cannot and will not be led by someone I do not trust. And yes, my faith is in Christ who is the rock and head of the Church, and not in man. However, Christ has entrusted me to men, so get your act together and accomplish your mission.
I am nowhere near perfect. I am a sinner and so is everyone else. I am aware of that. I am also aware that God’s grace is sufficient and that if I am called to a mission then his grace will carry me through. I have played many roles within the Church and I recognize my own weakness and I urge you to do the same. If you can’t successfully accomplish your mission, step down. If you struggle psychologically, get help. Don’t keep saying yes just so you can rise in rank and climb the ladder. Or because of your pride.
I am aware of the pressure that comes with the Roman collar. Priests are trained in theology, philosophy, and pastoral care. You are not trained to be CEO’s, CFO’s, business managers, project managers, administrators, etc. But unfortunately, with the collar comes those expectations. And this is where the laity can rise up. I’m not making an excuses but we the laity do play a major role in the reformation of the Church.
I truly believe that our Church was established by Christ and serves as the sacrament of salvation for all and it is because of that belief that I chose to not run but to fight for reformation. As a Church we must be honest with ourselves. We have messed up, many are hurt and wounded and we have a lot of work to do. With that being said, let us not say we’ll be ok. This is Christ’s Church. He promised that it will never be destroyed (Matthew 16:18).That is true but there is still healing to be done, trust to be restored, and reformation from within to take place.
Christ wants a Church that is in “splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be Holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). Let us fight so that when he returns in his Glory that this may be the Church that he finds.
Beloved son of the Church,
Paul Albert
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