In Memory of My Grandfather
My grandfather has had a huge impact on my life and has helped form me into the man I am today. I still remember those days of him taking me to the barbershop, driving me to church or waking me up at the crack of dawn during my summer break because he needed to make my bed (I never understood why but it was an act of love).
As my grandfather grew old it was beautiful to be given the opportunity to try to payback all that he did for me (though I never got close) driving him around to who knows where to do who knows what every Saturday morning or bringing him to doctor appointments to only find out he never made an appointment. This man would literally say "the doctor is like my son, he needs to see his father." So we sat there for hours as he told me stories from his " jen jan" (cool young man) days. After hours of telling stories the doctor would finally walk out and say "papa (father) come on in." We would leave the doctors office not without stopping by the bakery to get some beef patties. On my way home my grandfather would always tell me "Pololo the Lord is going to bless you for taking care of your grandfather." And what a blessing it was to be with this man and receive so much wisdom from him.
During his last few years, whenever I had the chance to go back to Boston I would visit my grandfather, sit by his bedside hoping for some words of wisdom but he said nothing. A few times I would have my kids come into his room and I would say "Papi Gene, this is my kid, your great grandchild." He would look at me and my child and begin to cry. My grandfather understood what a blessing it was to grow old and to see 3 generations. And since I could remember he would always brag about it. I'm old and it's a blessing. A few weeks ago I was blessed to once again sit by his bedside with all four of my kids and my wife. But for some reason I knew that this time may be the last. So I prayed "thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity." I kissed my Papi Gene on the forehead traced a cross on his forehead and begged the Lord to allow me to see him again. The Lord had other plans however.
Papi Gene, the Lord did bless me. He blessed me with you. Your wisdom, your kindness and your testimony of God's grace and how it can transform one into a living saint. It was extremely humbling in your last years to be able to serve you. To pick you up and move you from your bed to your chair and back again, to walk you to the bathroom, and to just sit by your bed and pray.
Though I am far from it, I now know what type of grandfather I want to be someday. One who spoils his grandchildren rotten and lets the parents deal with the repercussions. You were a great man and the world's best grandfather and because of you I am a better man.
I love you and I am committed to keeping your legacy going.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.
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