Me & Jojo (St. Joseph, that is)

Very little is known and said of St. Joseph in Scripture. And, he doesn't say a word in the Bible, either. However, there are a few things Scripture does tell us. We know that Joseph was a righteous man (Matthew 1:19), that he was obedient to the Lord (Matthew 1:24,) and that he came from the line of King David--kind of a big deal (Matthew 1: 1-16). Why would this holy and righteous man, foster-father of Jesus and relative of Israel’s greatest king, have nothing to say throughout the whole Bible? What is the Lord teaching us in this? Rather, what is the Lord teaching me?

A week ago I had a unique opportunity to travel to our home in Haiti without my family. I went to help lead a mission trip and to tackle a very intense “honey do” list given to me by my wife. One of the things on that list was to move out of our old condemned home into our beautiful new home (graciously built by mission partners). As I was walking across our mission base lugging suitcase after suitcase, carrying heavy furniture, stubbing my toe on rocks every third step, the Lord reminded me of St Joseph. 

Joseph was a man who was betrothed to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Back in St. Joseph’s and Mary’s day, they had to go through a whole process of preparation. One of the things that the man would prepare is the home in which he would receive his new bride. Now, Anna and I have been married for over 4 years, but we have never had the opportunity to house hunt, nor did I have the opportunity as a husband to prepare a place for my bride; the reason being that a week after our wedding we became full-time missionaries with Life Teen and moved into a community where our home was already prepared for us.

I do not for a moment regret our decision and I loved the hospitality we received when we became missionaries. However, most guys have the desire to prepare a place to receive their bride. That was not the Lord’s plan for me until a week ago.

So, as I was sweating my butt off, stubbing my toes, complaining and grunting over how heavy the furniture was, it struck me: St. Joseph probably did this and so much more with a smile. I immediately received a special grace and realized how much of a blessing this was. The Lord was allowing me to journey with St. Joseph and was also fulfilling a desire I had 4 years ago to prepare a home to receive my bride. What a blessing this was! 

For a few days of this mission trip I was able to enter into St. Joseph’s world and allow him to enter into mine. This holy and righteous man of few words (no words) taught me a great lesson: be obedient to the Lord and serve my family with joy. I don't know if Anna and I will ever own our own home and we’re ok with that, but I do know that If I delight myself in the Lord, He will give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4).

- Paul 

St Joseph, pray for us!


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