
Showing posts from September, 2018

Holy Church... Not so Holy men

Frustrated, angry, upset, annoyed, betrayed, hurt…just a few of the   words that explain how I feel about the scandal going on in the Church; a church that I love so much and have given my life to, a Church that has done so much good, saved so many lives, and has had such a positive impact on society. I can’t help but ask how we got to this point. However, before I get into that, first things first. SORRY! Sorry to those who trusted the Church to take care of them, protect them, father them and lead them to heaven. Sorry to those who allowed the Church to enter their homes, confided in her, and ran to her in times of sorrow and joy. Sorry to those who went to the Church when they needed help but instead were victimized by the Church, abused by her, taken advantage of, and assaulted. My heart breaks for you. I am extremely sorry. I know I am not an ordained minister, a spokesperson of the church, nor a high-ranking prelate of the Church but I do  help form the body...