
Showing posts from September, 2017

In Memory of My Grandfather

My grandfather has had a huge impact on my life and has helped form me into the man I am today. I still remember those days of him taking me to the barbershop, driving me to church or waking me up at the crack of dawn during my summer break because he needed to make my bed (I never understood why but it was an act of love).  As my grandfather grew old it was beautiful to be given the opportunity to try to payback all that he did for me (though I never got close) driving him around to who knows where to do who knows what every Saturday morning or bringing him to doctor appointments to only find out he never made an appointment. This man would literally say "the doctor is like my son, he needs to see his father." So we sat there for hours as he told me stories from his " jen jan" (cool young man) days. After hours of telling stories the doctor would finally walk out and say "papa (father) come on in." We would leave the doctors office not without ...