I Love Christmas! Seriously, I love everything about it. Family, friends, food, church, decorations, etc. I’m not a fan of the shopping and guessing what people want for Christmas but, besides that, I love Christmas. However, this Christmas things are a little different and my family is a little smaller. This Christmas is the first one without my big brother Erwins and it’s kind of heartbreaking that my kids won’t be receiving an obnoxious toy from Uncle Erwins, that’s way too big and noisy, that we won’t even be able to fit in our suitcase to bring back to Haiti. This Christmas is going to be difficult. As family was preparing to come visit me, my wife and the kids, I was thinking of what kind of things we could cook, what type of drinks we should have, and what we will do. I realized that all of my ideas, from buffalo wings to beer to watching cheesy Christmas movies, and seeing who has more swag as we dress for Christmas, are things that would mostly be appreciated...