
Showing posts from June, 2016

To the guy who killed my brother

To the guy who killed my brother, Murderer! Is not who you are and deep down inside I truly believe that you are afraid, in shock, confused and on a rollercoaster of emotions. Your actions have my family feeling the same and so much more. We are angry, heartbroken, distraught. Some of us are in a place of despair, frustrated and feeling as if we've been dealt a bad hand. To you, I'll call you guy, I pray and hope that you have befriended my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Never before have I felt such heartache and pain. It's as if my heart is being crushed. My older brother wasn't perfect and none of us are. But he spent a good part of his life putting others before himself. He was a son, a little brother, a big brother, the "world's best uncle", a friend and so much more. Most importantly Erwins was a child of God. Therefore he is not only good but the first chapter of Genesis ensures us that he was created very good. Guy, the same goes for ...