The Real Holy Family
I have three scenarios for you: 1: You’re a regular “Joe Schmo” going about your daily business. You meet this, girl fall in love, and ask her dad for her hand in marriage. He says yes, and so does she. You’re excited, you’re sitting on top of the world. You start saving up money, building a house, and getting things in order for the big day. A few months go by and your bride-to-be has a baby bump and you know for sure that you’re not the baby daddy. 2. You’re a young girl minding your own business, trying to plan a wedding and out of nowhere, this angel appears and say you’re about to be pregnant. Did I forget to mention you’re a virgin and you plan on staying that way for a very long time (like eternity)? 3. Your dad is the king of the Universe. Not only that, but He created it and everything in it. Actually, so did you. You’re royalty. You can do anything you want, whenever you want. Life is real good! And then, your father gets this great idea. How about you give u...