
Showing posts from 2019

My Heart Breaks For Haiti

January 1st, 1804; a day that will forever mark history. Haitian slaves stood as the first black nation in the western hemisphere to declare their independence; a declaration that seemed impossible. How could this little commonwealth gain their independence from a French super power? Well, they did. Myself and all those of Haitian descent should be proud. This was not only a victory for Haiti but a victory for black people everywhere. This victory brought hope to many other black nations. Haiti, in that moment in history, was a light to all. Haitians protesting: Photo Le Nouvelliste Haiti  We are now 215 years later and Haiti still stands as a free country. However, some would argue that they are not. Let’s take a look at some historical facts. Upon Haiti’s independence in 1804, many nations in the world were upset. We won’t get into details but the idea of a black free nation just didn’t sit right with some. As a result of that anger, an embargo was placed on Haiti a...