
Showing posts from April, 2015

How a Missionary Family Spends a Month in America

Since moving to Haiti in October 2012, we've never travelled to the U.S. for just a break. Our trips have always had a purpose: Nathaniel's surgeries as a baby, speaking engagements or other work to gain support for the mission, Thérèse's birth, weddings, a funeral, etc. So though this trip has a vacation scheduled into it, here's a peek at what a missionary family does their first time in the U.S. after 7 months. April 16: Fly to ATL April 17-19: Long overdue marriage retreat in ATL April 19-21: Life Teen missionary end-of-year retreat at Life Teen's Camp Covecrest in GA April 21-23: Life Teen bi-annual staff & missionary retreat at Life Teen's Camp Hidden Lake, also in GA April 23-26:  4 doctor's appointments and catching up with dear friends at Covecrest, including Nathaniel's Godparents April 26-May: 1 First family vacation (since our honeymoon) in North Carolina, thanks to a generous mission partner May 1-May 4: Driving to an...