Moms, Mary knows
It was perfect timing. Today at Palm Sunday Mass I was the narrator in the Passion narrative. While I was reading, a few of the Haitian missionary kiddos that live at our mission base had given Nathaniel their palms that they had tied in the shape of circles. As I got to the part of the story of Jesus’ suffering where the soldiers made a crown of thorns and pushed it into Jesus’ head, I noticed that Nathaniel was trying to get Paul to put the “crown of palms” around his head. I choked on my words as I struggled to read the narrative and immediately thought about our beautiful Mother Mary. I wanted to stop for a minute and sob, but I had to keep going. Yes, Jesus suffered and died for us and experienced an unbearable amount of pain. Mary suffered in a different way, though. She watched the closest person to her get publicly mocked, flogged, and ultimately crucified. Nathaniel and Thérèse currently have nasty coughs and during the night I feel like crying when I hear th...